Super Marmite!

Super Marmite!

Sell your leftovers to others for dinner? What an eccentric idea ?

Not so much !

This is the winning concept of Super Marmite! (Marmite is the French word for Cooking pot) a French Start-up.

It is aiming at creating the first location based social network for discovering food in your area.

If you ask me…

This is a brilliant alternative to ready made meals for busy city dwellers, or a great test for Gordon Ramsay’ wannabe abilities! If you are not prone to  germaphobia of course.

If one’s can create a business while thinking about… leftovers… we are all entrepreneurs  or better said innovators in the making !

What is innovation after all ?

The ability to bring something new to the world. Contrary to what people could think, it does not have to be complicated, complex or out of the blue.

The best ideas are actually coming from a rather simple recipe



and  guess what .. Observation !

So get busy now.

Get in tune with you daily environment to identify trends, pain points, problems

Put your thinking hat on to create the simplest solution to the identified problem. Do not over-engineer anything, keep it simple and pragmatic.

Use your research skills to identify competition, define your competitive advantage and assess your chances of financial success….

Everything counts after all…  even the leftovers !