“Great achievements, holistic approach, true globe-trotter are the first thoughts coming to my mind when I browse your site. However, there are so many faces, former corporate high-flyer, new entrepreneur, finance executive, woman executive and this to quote just a few. You have so many interests that I am finally a bit confused” commented one of my business partners when he gave me feedback on the website concept.
It made me angry – not at him – at the world !
This need to classify and structured truly and positively infuriated me. This need to label things and people is a constant constraint. This urge to create boxes and patterns is a threat to one self-confidence.
It endangers courage to act, to embrace and drive change. It jeopardises creativity and innovation, rooted, in my opinion, in a deep ability to observe, relate and feed from different terms of reference….or simply DIFFERENCE
I am calling for, no, I am claiming the right to be multiple, to be undefined and unclassifiable. I am claiming the right to be unconstrained and the power to break others’ mental rules, patterns or expectations.
This week, I morphed from advisor, to public speaker Monday and Tuesday. I was a board member Wednesday in the morning, a writer in the afternoon and a friend at night. I played at strategist and fund raiser on Thursday, at talent hunter and journalist on Friday, and ended the week as a…woman.
How many boxes could have ticked? Thousands
How many patterns and stereotypes did I break ? To some a lot, to me personally…none.
How was your week ? Let’s start thinking about ourselves as precious stones, as diamonds, with a thousand cuts, and let the light, the context, reveals blue or yellow, green or purple, depending on what matters or what is needed.
Let’s embrace difference and fight conformism.
Let’s start looking for possibilities and free ourselves from old mental models. Let’s let our freedom and our potential rule.
Live, Breathe, Shine.
Join the evolution, innovate yourself.